Beyond Boundaries.
Since 2013
언제나 감사하는 마음으로
아름다움이란 가치와 사랑, 믿음을 지키기 위해
최선의 노력을 다하겠습니다.
과거와 현재가 미래를 이끌 듯이
고객님과 함께 해왔던 믿음과 관심을 바탕으로
유건상사는 진정한 아름다움의 가치를 위해 항상 노력할 것이며
유건상사의 제품을 아끼고 사랑해 주셨던 고객님께
더 좋은 제품으로 늘 새롭게 만나 뵐 수 있기를 기대합니다.
Export / Import Business
We have created the value of customer beyond Import and Export business.
We have especially played an important role exporting renowned and excellent Korean products globally, and have also showed remarkable capabilities in creating new businesses in cooperation with customers by the combination of skilled trading techniques and various business models.
We will make a different technology and market changes and also hope to be customers’ good friend, and a wonderful business partner to achieve successful business in cooperation with customers.
We would like to thank you customers for always encouraging and supporting us, and all the employees will cooperate with each other so that YUGEON CORPORATION may grow into a global business organizer that leads the global market.
Yugeon Corporation
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